Marquee Projects in Bellport, Long Island presents 'Strangers in Stranger Lands' exhibition
Published on Jul 1, 2024
Group Exhibition
Exhibition: June 20 - July 26, 2020
MARQUEE PROJECTS is pleased to present Strangers in Stranger Lands, a group exhibition of paintings and sculptures by Felipe Ariza Castro, Mary DeVincentis, Genieve Figgis, Philip Gerald, Carly Haffner, Brandon Lipchik, Janet Maya, Peggy Robinson, Carol Saft, Peter Schlesinger, and Emily Quinn.
Review By András Szántó
Writer, researcher, and consultant in the fields of art, media cultural policy, arts sponsorship, and philanthropy
"...The soul of the show, however, may be Janet Maya’s 2017 painting, Blessing, with its single faceless female figure holding her hands together in a redemptive gesture of prayer, rendered with the forms and pastels of Milton Avery. Another work by Maya, placed in the gallery’s window, speaks to the hopes and fears of the moment: two almost identical female figures, one black and one white, that achieve a poetic unity despite their outward difference..."
Review By Elizabeth Johnson
Writer for 'Delicious Line'
"...Janet Maya’s partially erased faces depict Quaker-like humility congruent with a loss of identity. My gaze lingers over the balance and reversals of Girls 2, returning for refreshment to four submerged feet..."